T-Rock Express
We built this new, 488-mile route to meet customer demand where no network existed before. Offering newly constructed dark fiber and lit services (Spectrum and 400G waves) available immediately, the route path travels from Tulsa, OK, to Little Rock, AR, through Muskogee, OK.

Beach Route
Spanning 690 miles between Raleigh, NC, and Jacksonville, FL, through Savannah, GA, the Beach Route is a unique, diverse path that connects to the Jacksonville and new Myrtle Beach cable landing stations. All high-count fibers are buried underground, protecting customers and the network from the inevitable coastal elements.

Beach Route
Dark Fiber Alliance
Taking you farther.
The Beach Route Dark Fiber Alliance with Mid-Atlantic Broadband and Tilson Infrastructure extends the northern portion of Windstream Wholesale dark fiber to Richmond and connects to Ashburn via SummitIG, adding 315 route miles. The Alliance with South Reach Networks extends the southern Beach Route portion by 360 miles from Jacksonville to Miami. The collective 1,400 fiber mile Alliance makes it easier for customers to connect from subsea cables at Jacksonville or Myrtle Beach to Richmond or Ashburn and eliminates the hassle of multi-vendor route solutions.

Employing a distinctive cross-border architecture that offers increased availability of dark fiber, the new, 440-mile CanAm2 route provides a new and unique design that will link the growing datacenter market in Montreal, Canada, and New York City. The route also provides access to networks in Boston, MA, via Albany, NY, supporting connection points in Buffalo, NY, and west.

Pacific Northwest
This route supplies a unique, high-capacity ring between Hillsboro and Portland, OR, and metro connections between multiple data centers. Access to the cable landing stations in Hillsboro, supporting international traffic between APAC and Hillsboro/Portland, the Bay Area, Dallas, Phoenix and multiple data centers.
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